Livestock Information Management System (SIMAD), Android mobile app



With the development of livestock industry in different countries, the control and management of

 livestock information has become very important due to its direct impact on human life and health.

 This issue is important from the birth of an animal to the using of its products.

Obviously, managing massive information along with the principle of reliability of information is very


One of the most important points is standardizing the recording and storing of information so that it

 can be easily accessed and manipulated at any time and place.

TAPCO presents livestock information management system based on RFID and IoT technologies to

 make data gathering and recording easier, faster and more accurate. This product includes proprietary

 hardware, software, mobile app. and web services.

The mobile app. of SIMAD has been designed and developed for ease of farm and flock management

 for Android smartphones and tablets.

Customers use the mobile app. of SIMAD to record livestock information, such as birth certificate,

 milking routine, lactation rate and etc. and then they can use cloud's services.

The user logs in to the app. based on the user name, farm and flock. After that user can enter and

 records the information.

This information can be received and stored at the web site later via the farm code.

What is Cloud?

Cloud is an information service that is offered to customers via TAPCO web services. It presents

 services such as recording livestock information, reporting in various formats and the other facilities






Listing ability

By this ability, serial of ear tags can be read by RFID reader, transfer and store in mobile app.

Read tags can be collected as a list (category) with a dedicated name such as vaccinated, transferred to

 slaughterhouse and etc.


Stick Reader SR10

SR10 is one of TAPCO production to read serial of RFID ear tags and to transfer it to mobile via wifi

 or Bluetooth.

The SR10’s shape and size allow accessing to RFID tags in tough and less accessible workspaces.

 SR10 can store up to 250,000 records.





SIMAD Features:

·        Cloud services

·        Birth certificate with left and right pictures of livestock

·        Ability of connecting SR10 to mobile via wifi or Bluetooth

·        Entering tag serial manually or reading through the SR10

·         Storing the lactation rate

  Displaying stored records with search ability

·         Reading and storing tags serial as a list

·         Capability of recording a tag serial changes

·         Displaying the current weather conditions

·         Uploading livestock records, lists and the other collected data to the site

·         Chat opportunity with TAPCO support department

·         Supporting bilanguage (Persian and Latin)

·        Compatible with android version 4.4 and upper



Web site features:

·         User registration

·         Defining farm and flock information

·         Finding desired records through farm code

·         Viewing and final storing of uploaded records from mobile app.

·         Exporting data to excel

·         Supporting bilanguage (Persian and Latin)



Compatible android versions

SIMAD app. is executed on android version 4.4 (API 19) and upper. It has tested up to android

 version 7.1.1 (API 25). These versions cover about 80% of active android mobiles




related events


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21th International Exhibition of Poultry, Livestock & Related Industries Visit us at Hall 31B-Booth 1 to find out about the latest achievements of TAPCO on Livestock Information Management Systems.


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